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AC Services To Help You Survive The Cruel Summer!
Summer is finally here, and most of us are ready for the adventures ahead. However, summer is also a time when cars experience many heat-related issues. We have your back on how to be prepared and ahead of the game to survive the cruel summer!
Tips For Surviving And Thriving The Cruel Summer
Test your AC: If you are driving your car out and about and your vehicle fails to cool you down from the summer heat, you might need to check your AC. You will most likely need more refrigerant or to replace your air filters.
Get a fresh car wash: This might be obvious, but car washes help get rid of road slats and grime that can cause damage to your car's paint and undercarriage, which is hard to see.
Check your tire pressure: The road is extra hot during the summer, and drastic temperature changes can cause your car's tire pressure. You will want to fill your car tires to the correct levels, so the tires do not wear unevenly or, worse, get a flat tire.
Have an emergency kit ready: Road trips, summer heat, and other factors can cause an emergency during the summer. We highly recommend getting or stocking up on an emergency kit for your car. You can include things such as a flashlight, non-perishable snacks, drinking water, a first aid kit, and emergency tools.
Summer is a fun and exciting time. It is also extremely unpredictable, so it is always better to be safe than sorry. Here at Brown Motor Works, we understand it is hard to keep track of everything your car needs. We highly encourage you to give our friendly staff a call or stop in whenever you have any doubts about your BMW. Brown Motor Works Northeast is located at 520 Clemson Rd., Columbia, SC 29229, but you can also schedule an appointment online. And don't forget to Like us on Facebook for news and updates. We specialize in BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Mini Coopers, so you can feel confident your vehicle is in good hands with our highly skilled technicians.