Posted on 9/30/2020
No one likes to be caught out in the middle of nowhere with a broken down car, not to mention during the fall and winter months! That’s why, no matter what time of year it is, you should always have a car emergency kit on hand. Keep reading to see some of the most important things to have in the perfect car emergency kit in this month’s blog from the pros at Brown Motor Works NE. To begin, you’ll want to cater your emergency kit to your car’s condition and age, as well as the driving conditions you normally face. However, no matter where you are, there are some things that should always be included, including jumper cables, flares or triangle reflectors, a flashlight, and batteries. You may need to jump your car (or someone else’s!), and you want to make sure you’re safe while you do it. You may also want to include a yellow safety vest if you need to go outside your car! You should also make sure to include a first aid kit with a day or two ... read more