Photo by Jo Zef Mrkwa from Pixabay
Welcome to the June blog for Brown Motor Works! It’s time for summer fun again, and with people returning to the highways just in time for the 4th of July, it’s a good time to go over some of the basic knowledge drivers should have.
Your BMW works in a similar way to most combustion devices. The more you know about it, the more prepared you will be for the challenges drivers face. Here are our top 5 things every driver should know!
Know how to check the air tire pressure -- This is the number 1 item for a big reason. Your tires are the point where your car connects to the road. Tire pressure can decide your fuel efficiency, but most importantly, it’s a big factor in keeping control of your car.
Know how to change a tire -- You can go through life without ever learning how to remove a flat tire and how to put on a spare, but when disaster strikes, you will want to know how to do this, as blow-outs seldom occur in a convenient place.
Know where your fluids are -- Every person should at least know how to find and measure your oil, transmission, and brake fluids. Take a look at this video on fluid replacement for some quick tips.
Know how your transmission works -- When working with clutches and gear changes, it’s important to follow the rules, and the biggest rule is: always come to a complete stop before changing direction. Never reverse and then shift into first gear (or Drive) while your car is still rolling back. It damages the transmission over time.
Know the duty of care for your car -- this is the basics. Understanding why you must always use the manufacturer’s recommended octane for your vehicle. Knowing how Preventive maintenance preserves the life of the vehicle. Remembering to put your vehicle in 'park' at stoplights. These small details are seeds of care that blossom down the road.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this, and if you’re heading out of town for summer fun, don’t forget to bring in your BMW! We specialize in BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Mini Coopers, so you can feel confident your vehicle is in good hands with our skilled technicians. We’re located at 520 Clemson Rd., Columbia, SC 29229. Schedule an appointment online!