Welcome to Brown Motor Works Blog! It’s so frustrating to think of others enjoying their shiny new 2021 BMW X5 when we’re starting to see the age of our 2011 X5. Everything we’re noticing about the 2021 X5 makes us want one. It’s a gorgeous car. Understandably, you’d want a more recent, shinier model. But sometimes, greed and desire for new things can get the best of us.
Our X5 has been loyal to us over these many years. It may not have all the flash of the 2021 model or the bells and whistles, but it does have many great features. And it’s ours. We’ve paid for it. The X5 is a sport utility with all-wheel drive. You have five passengers capacity and with a lot of interior space. Your BMW is a car you can keep for years because BMWs are luxurious, classy, and have great curb appeal, as long as they are maintained.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the idea that we should have the latest model, and if we don’t, we’re falling behind our neighbors or the competitors in our own heads who we use to measure our achievements. This idea is true of most emerging technology, but especially true of prestige vehicles like BMWs. You do not have to live within a trend. If you have joy in the car you currently own, why worry about what someone else has? Go take a drive and realize how happy your BMW makes you.
By keeping up with your BMW’s preventative maintenance and looking after it properly, you save money that you can invest in the next great BMW you purchase. The important thing is to remind yourself that it’s foolish to keep up with your neighbors in spending your money on new vehicles, but it’s prescient to look after the car you have. It is so easy to keep up with preventative maintenance. You are the only person who has control of your circumstances. The choices you make represent what you stand for and who you are.
Let us help you take care of your BMW until the time comes to buy that shiny new model you’ve been wanting. Please stop by our Brown Motor Works Northeast location at 520 Clemson Rd., Columbia, SC 29229, or schedule an appointment online. We specialize in BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Mini Coopers, so you can feel confident your vehicle is in good hands with our highly-skilled technicians.